“There’s no question that, if you look into it, Native American communities are disproportionately impacted,” Winstead says. “These companies are driven by greed. To me, they’re traitors to society. They’re compromising our safety, our health, and they are harming the air that you breathe.” Source: Duke Energy Wants to Build a $5 Billion Pipeline Through […]
U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine used the phrase “very suspicious circumstances” Monday to describe how a federal agency announced it had approved two deeply controversial natural gas pipelines that will burrow through different regions of Virginia. “When somebody puts something out at 7 o’clock Friday night, they’re trying to hide it,” Kaine said. “That means they’re […]
In the weeks leading up to the FERC approval of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, several news articles were published speculating that tree clearing would begin for the pipeline as soon as mid November. The Roanoke Times first mentioned in an article published on September 28th that there was a push to begin tree clearing by […]