Environmental Featured Stories

Why climate action is the antithesis of white supremacy | Rebecca Solnit | Opinion | The Guardian

To acknowledge that everything is connected is to acknowledge that our actions have consequences and therefore responsibilities they are unwilling to shoulder. Also that the solutions to climate change require cooperative work at all levels from local energy transition to national policies that stop subsidizing fossil fuels to international agreements to set emissions goals. Source: […]

Atlantic Coast Pipeline Featured Stories

County Commissioners Express Concern Over Suggested “Consultation Planning Zone”

County Commissioners in one North Carolina County unanimously passed a resolution on Tuesday, October 17 expressing concerns over the Atlantic Coast Pipeline what they term a development dead zone. The resolution states that the proposed natural gas pipeline will cause a development dead zone 1,300 feet wide by 12 miles long running through “the heart […]

Culture Featured Stories

‘Deer Woman: An Anthology’ Sheds Light on Violence Against Native Women in North America · Global Voices

Deer Woman is a figure who appears in numerous Native traditions across North America. Although her story takes on different shapes and forms, in many versions Deer Woman “is a powerful, spirit-being meant to remind us (People of creation) to remember our responsibilities, to tend the fire, and to be aware of the powerful forces […]

Atlantic Coast Pipeline Environmental Featured Stories

Will Tree Clearing for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Begin In November?

In the weeks leading up to the FERC approval of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, several news articles were published speculating that tree clearing would begin for the pipeline as soon as mid November. The Roanoke Times first mentioned in an article published on September 28th that there was a push to begin tree clearing by […]