There are terrorists involved in fracking and related pipeline development – if that’s the word the law enforcement wishes to use – but they are not the opponents to the pipeline; rather the ones terrorizing people and the environment are the corporations building the pipelines. These include Duke Energy of Charlotte, Dominion Resources of Richmond, […]
For over a year, Puget Sound Energy has claimed that a 550-foot safety zone is all that is required. They say they have run the appropriate model to prove it. They say that the other information provided by anti-LNG activist claiming a 3.5-mile safety zone is false and not supported. Source: How dangerous is an […]
What havoc will the Mountaineer Express, the Mountain Valley and the Atlantic Coast pipeline wreak? What about all the feeder pipelines, the NGL pipes (natural gas liquids)? Are any of the agencies involved looking at the cumulative impacts of these large-diameter pipelines crisscrossing the state? Source: Rover Topple Over: Pipeline Construction in Doddridge County, WV